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30 lines

  1. # Copyright (c) 2022 Jan Lehnardt <>, MIT licensed
  2. # inspired by
  3. # Team PouchDB, Apache 2 licensed
  4. . ./
  5. wait_for_url () {
  6. assert_arg "$1" && url="$1" || error_and_exit "url not provided, exiting"
  7. assert_arg "$2" && iterations="$2" || iterations=3
  8. assert_arg "$3" && duration="$3" || duration=1
  9. debug "called wait_for_url(url=$url, duration=$duration, iterations=$iterations)"
  10. waiting=0
  11. cmd="curl --output /dev/null --silent --insecure --head --fail --max-time 2 $url"
  12. debug_inline "waiting for $url "
  13. until ($cmd); do
  14. if [ $waiting -eq $iterations ]; then
  15. after=`expr $duration \* $iterations`
  16. debug_inline "failed, $url can not be reached after $after seconds\n"
  17. return 1
  18. fi
  19. debug_inline .
  20. waiting=`expr $waiting + 1`
  21. sleep $duration
  22. done
  23. debug_inline " succeeded\n"
  24. }